52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge #7: Love ~ Io T’Incontrai! ~

This week’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge is themed for Valentine’s Day – Love.  

I had a few choices this week.  I thought of posting about my 4th great grandmother Francesca Carusi because she married thrice.  I thought of writing about my 4th great grandfather Antonio Camillo Pasquale Napolitano because he remarried in his late 60s after my 4th great grandmother passed away.  There were several other ancestors with similar circumstances I could have picked.

But I chose music!  Sometime in the 1950s my great grandfather Carmen Ferraro wrote and composed a song dedicated to the memory of my deceased great grandmother, Helen Kirsch Ferraro, titled  Io T’Incontrai! (I Met You!).  Helen had passed away in 1927 from complications due to a miscarriage with what would have been their 10th child.

io tincontrai

A little bit about them…After my great grandfather had left the church in 1906, he met my great grandmother in 1907 in Chicago.  They married in 1908 and had my grandfather in 1909 and went on to have 8 more children.

After Io T’Incontrai! was composed, it was printed into music sheet and it sold for .75 cents.  Strangely, the surviving copy of this song in the family’s possession lists it being published by my great grandfather at his son’s address in Eggertsville, NY.  I am curious now as to why it did not use my great grandfather’s address.  Hmmmm…

Happy Valentine’s Day Readers!



Week 8 challenge: Family Photo

Week 9 challenge:  At the Courthouse
