Correction and Follow-up to the Life of My Immigrant Second Great Grandfather, Louis F. Kirsch

Last year, during my 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks journey, for the entry on an ancestor I’d like to meet, I wrote that I would like to meet Louis F. Kirsch, and I still would, very much so.

That previous entry can be found here: 2019 Entry.

While Louis Kirsch, my ancestor, was unemployed for a huge chunk of 1909, the Louis Kirsch in the newspaper articles had a brother named Philip.

I found no proof my Louis had a brother named Philip. Further, the Louis Kirsch and Philip Kirsch named in news articles that worked for Mike the Pike Heitler, continued to work for him after my Louis died in 1925.

Additionally, after Mike the Pike was killed by a Capone associate, Louis Kirsch and Philip Kirsch engaged in gang warfare in Gary, Indiana almost a decade after my Louis Kirsch died.

I’d still love to see a picture of my Louis, but please delete any article about this bad guy Louis Kirsch from my Louis Kirsch out of your trees. It is a pain I know. They weren’t the same man thank goodness!

If you have any comments or questions, please email me at